Any PCBU (Person conducting a business or undertaking) has a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act of 2015 to ensure their staff are safe at work and that they are not being put in a position where their health is compromised, such as a person working around noise for extended periods of time or around dust and fumes.
Ear Hygiene and Health can come to your business do health monitoring for your employees as well as pre-employment medical testing. If we find that a person is unwell or compromised we then will refer on to a GP or other health professional for further testing such as an Audiologist or Respiratory physician.
We understand how disruptive it is when employees need to leave in order to have health tests performed. We happily come to you so there’s no need for additional time off for your staff.
For more information or to make a booking, please write to us using the form below or you may contact:
Frith Gray
Phone (06) 870 6966